“Stay still.”
Kenji watches Renji wrap a blindfold around his eyes, fully limiting his field of view before being greeted with the void he so badly wanted to enter for the entire duration of Unreality Reality. He didn’t expect to be able to make it back to his original realm to celebrate his birthday, but even if he missed it, he knew his fellow CSG members are still there to make him smile the happiest.
He could feel the older’s arm wrapped around his own, guiding him through the building’s endless maze to reach his office. Sounds so similar to that Pacman game he witnessed few days back. He ever dreamt of being in the maze and having to hide from his counterpart, but thank god he came back to his senses and remembered that he was merely just a watcher, alongside Renji.
“Okay, we’re almost there.” Renji spoke up after a minute of comfortable silence mixed with Kenji’s light giggles. As the two Asumas finally made it to Kenji’s office, Renji slowly untied the blindfold that has been covering the younger’s eyes.
Kenji took a moment to adjust his eyes before staring at his office. Inflated balloons covered most of his ceilings, his pictures printed into polaroids and is stringed up to display his stolen shots from each member. Two cakes on the table; one that has an insane amount of frosting, and the other in his favorite flavor.
He knows his eyes is now filled with endless stars from the night sky as he looks around and noticed a separate table full of gift wrapped boxes and gift bags. Kenji is going to have an amazing time opening and reading every letter that’s included in the gift.
“Happy Birthday, Kenji!”
Kenji laughed as he finally entered the room, giving each and every one of his member a bear hug whilst muttering how thankful he is for the surprise party they managed to do. For someone who can’t keep secrets, he’s indeed more surprised Renji managed to keep it a secret.
Before he gets to say anything else, Renji smeared frosting all over his face; hearing more laughter coming from everyone else as he lightly licked up the frosting that got to his lips. “Oh you’re so gonna get an entire cake thrown at your face, Renji Asuma.”
That’s how his birthday went. Despite the most exhausting two weeks of the year (he’s being dramatic), he will never trade this moment for anything else.
“Before I forget. Renji, there’s a letter under my desk with your name written on it.”
“Alright, I’ll take a look after the party.”
After everyone went home and Kenji’s office was left with disarranged tables and scattered party poppers, Renji moved to the back of Kenji’s desk to open a drawer, seeing a brown envelope that he did not expect.
“As you read that, I’ll be heading home first, yeah? See you Renj!”
Renji only emitted a sound as he opened the envelope and was greeted with a folded up letter and a certificate he didn’t know existed.
As he unfolded the letter, his eyes softened at the contents written down.
My dearest Renji, my partner in crime in every chaos that ever existed between us. I wanted to say thank you. Thank you because you are someone who I can count on throughout this entire journey. We have cried, got frustrated, got extremely sad, overthunk (yes, thunk) multiple times and yet we survived probably every struggle out there that the world could offer. I forever love staying up late and waking up so early during the times we are planning how to execute this realm, and during the times we truly are executing it. I truly adore how caring you are as a caretaker. Your light hands are always reaching out to make sure one’s loneliness in the face of this world is addressed. You’d put your pain in your back pocket and forget about it because one of the many things that you are used to doing is being one kind being who always wanted to understand people. You give people so many chances, you tend to forget how bad some have disrespected you due to your kindness. There are people who we have to say goodbye to during this journey, but never forget the one person who has been beside you from the start, cheering you on, and being the audience to all of your silly ideas because I will forever want to listen to each and every ramble and would always love to ramble with you. How do you tend and nurture this love that all that reaches the bystander is the light you’ve warmed up with your own hands? I speak of this word so often and I hope everyone knows that when I speak of love, it is yet another attempt to include your name in places where you aren’t mentioned. You are present everywhere love is. And I will never ever trade this moment for anything else. I’m glad you are my partner, and I am really glad I get to do this project with you. Let’s not give up our dream of letting people know the story behind Coda. Never let anyone stop us from telling the story of our silly ideas. To more realms with you, Renji Asuma. To more silly ideas and late night chaos with you, too. I love you. Dash, Kenji, xx.